EPTE therapy Tilburg

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EPTE therapy is a treatment method to tackle your heel spurs, tennis elbow or tendon complaints. Make an appointment immediately!

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The abbreviation for 'ultrasound-guided percutaneous therapeutic electrolysis' is EPTE. This is a term often used in physical therapy and represents a medical treatment that uses electrical current to reduce pain and promote the healing process. EPTE therapy is mainly used to treat muscle and joint problems.

A frequently asked question is whether an EPTE hurts. The treatment may cause a small amount of pain as the electrical current is passed through the skin. However, this is often only a short-lived sensation that quickly disappears. In some cases, the treatment can even reduce pain. It is important to consult with one of our experts if you are concerned about pain during treatment.

The approximate number of EPTE treatments required can vary greatly depending on the nature and severity of your complaints. Some people may benefit from just one or two treatments, while others may need multiple treatments to see results. We will discuss with you how many treatments you are expected to need and how often the treatments will take place.

EPTE therapy can help with a variety of complaints and indications, such as muscle and joint pain, chronic pain, inflammation and stiffness. It can also help improve blood circulation and speed up the recovery of damaged muscles and joints. It is often used in combination with other physiotherapy treatments, such as exercise therapy and manual techniques.

There are also some disadvantages to EPTE therapy, such as the risk of skin irritation or infection when using needles or electrodes. Please also note that EPTE therapy is not suitable for everyone and that it is important to consult with your physiotherapist whether the treatment is suitable for you.

Advantages of EPTE:

  • Can help reduce pain and inflammation
  • Can help improve blood circulation
  • Can help speed up the recovery of damaged muscles and joints
  • Can be used in combination with other physiotherapy treatments

Disadvantages of EPTE:

  • May cause a small amount of pain during treatment
  • There is a risk of skin irritation or infection when using needles or electrodes
  • EPTE is not suitable for everyone and it is important to discuss with us whether the treatment is suitable for you

In general, EPTE therapy is reimbursed by the health insurer. It is important to check exactly what your insurance reimburses and whether a personal contribution applies.

If you live in the Tilburg area and are looking for EPTE therapy, make an appointment immediately at one of our practices.

EPTE heel spur

EPTE is an innovative treatment method for heel spurs, a pain syndrome that mainly occurs on the bottom of the foot. This treatment uses sound waves to determine the precise location of the heel spur. A thin needle is then inserted into this location, during which electrolysis is used to remove the heel spur.

The treatment is minimally invasive and can usually be completed in one session. The advantage of this is that recovery is faster and there is less pain and swelling. In addition, the treatment can also be performed under local anesthesia, which increases patient comfort.

Ultrasound-guided percutaneous therapeutic electrolysis is an effective treatment method for heel spurs and can help reduce pain and discomfort, allowing people to walk comfortably and participate in their daily activities again. If you suffer from heel spurs, it is definitely worth looking into this treatment method.

EPTE tendon complaints

Tendon complaints can be very bothersome, especially if they make it difficult to participate in daily activities. Fortunately, ultrasound-guided percutaneous therapeutic electrolysis can be an effective treatment for people with tendon problems.

This treatment uses sound waves to determine the precise location of the damaged tendon. A thin needle is then inserted into this location, using electrolysis to remove the damaged tendon tissue. This can help reduce pain and improve joint mobility.

Ultrasound-guided percutaneous therapeutic electrolysis is a minimally invasive treatment and can usually be completed in one session. As a result, recovery is often faster and there is less pain and swelling after treatment. In addition, the treatment can also be performed under local anesthesia, which increases patient comfort.

If you suffer from tendon complaints, ultrasound-guided percutaneous therapeutic electrolysis may be a treatment option to consider. It can help reduce pain and improve joint mobility so you can comfortably participate in your daily activities again. Some examples of tendon complaints will be mentioned below.

EPTE tennis elbow

Tennis elbow, also called lateral epicondylitis, is a pain syndrome that mainly occurs on the outside of the elbow. It can be caused by overuse of the muscles and tendons in the forearm, leading to inflammation and pain. Fortunately, ultrasound-guided percutaneous therapeutic electrolysis can be an effective treatment for people with tennis elbow.

This treatment uses ultrasound to determine the precise location of the inflammation. A thin needle is then inserted into this location, using electrolysis to remove the inflammation. This can help reduce pain and improve joint mobility.

Ultrasound-guided percutaneous therapeutic electrolysis is a minimally invasive treatment and can usually be completed in one session. As a result, recovery is often faster and there is less pain and swelling after treatment. In addition, the treatment can also be performed under local anesthesia, which increases patient comfort.

If you suffer from tennis elbow, ultrasound-guided percutaneous therapeutic electrolysis may be a treatment option to consider. It can help reduce pain and improve joint mobility so you can comfortably participate in your daily activities again.

EPTE Achilles tendonitis

Achilles tendonitis can be very bothersome, especially if it makes walking or exercising difficult. Fortunately, ultrasound-guided percutaneous therapeutic electrolysis can be an effective treatment for people with Achilles tendonitis.

So are you looking for a physiotherapist in Tilburg for an EPTE treatment? Please contact one of our practices or make an appointment directly online.

Questions about this treatment method?

Please feel free to contact us, we will be happy to assist you!