Window legs Claudiocatio Intermittens treatment Tilburg

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For a professional claudication treatment, you can go to Fysi Tilburg.

Questions about this treatment? Please feel free to contact us, we will be happy to assist you.

Claudication, also called intermittent claudication, is characterized by a painful feeling in the legs while walking. Due to reduced blood flow, there is a shortage of oxygen in the muscles during exercise, which causes pain and cramps in the legs. Through our expert intermittent claudication physiotherapy in Tilburg, we relieve or remedy your complaints.

Window legs treatment with walking training at our practice in Tilburg

Walking training is the best treatment method for clatter legs. The results will be best when the exercises is carried out under the supervision of a specialized physiotherapist. The walking training is mainly aimed at walking through the pain in order to increase the maximum walking distance. Since 2017, 37 physiotherapy treatments with supervised walking training have been reimbursed from basic insurance for patients with intermittent claudication.

A personal treatment plan with various therapies

When you visit us in Tilburg for a claudication treatment, you will first have an intake interview with one of our expert physiotherapists. Based on your specific complaints and situation, he or she will draw up a personal treatment plan with you. In addition to walking training, other treatments can also be included in this plan. Exercise therapy can, for example, be a good addition to walking training and in certain cases it is also possible sports physiotherapy to help. During the intake interview, your therapist will tell you exactly which treatments are relevant to you.

Come visit us in Tilburg for intermittent claudication physiotherapy

Are you interested in our treatment of claudication in Tilburg or do you have questions about this? Please contact us by calling +31 (0)13 543 58 41. Would you like to immediately request an appointment for intermittent claudication physiotherapy? Please complete the online contact form. We will then contact you as soon as possible.

Questions about this treatment method?

Please feel free to contact us, we will be happy to assist you!