Manual therapy Tilburg

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Our manual therapist in Tilburg specializes in making accurate diagnoses and resolving movement disorders in the joints.

Questions about this treatment? Please feel free to contact us, we will be happy to assist you.

Information about Manual therapy

Our manual therapist in Tilburg specializes in making accurate diagnoses and resolving movement disorders in the joints. The most well-known techniques are the so-called “manipulations” or cracking of the spine.

These manipulations can often immediately improve the movement function in the spine, which provides freedom of movement and a decrease in pain. It is often important not to let the therapy depend solely on these manipulations, but to draw up a patient-specific treatment plan that utilizes multiple facets of physiotherapy. In this way we look for a long-term solution instead of just temporary pain reduction. Therefore, make an appointment quickly for manual therapy at one of our physiotherapy practices in Tilburg.

Expertise points from our manual therapist in Tilburg

  • Low back pain with or without radiating to the leg(s).
  • Neck pain with or without pain above the back and shoulders.
  • Multiple forms of headache complaints.
  • Complaints about the ribs.

Our manual therapist in Tilburg distinguishes himself by making a specific diagnosis of the health problem, identifying the factors that hinder recovery and outlining a good future perspective of the complaint.

Our manual therapists in Tilburg

All our manual therapists have graduated from the SOMT University of Physiotherapy and are members of the manual therapy sub-register of the professional association for physiotherapy.

Questions about this treatment method?

Please feel free to contact us, we will be happy to assist you!