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Our objective is to provide the best possible physiotherapeutic care. We have been doing this since 1967. The patient and his complaint are central and unique.

How is spit formed and what is it?

How is spit formed and what is it?

How does spit occur and what does it mean? You probably know it yourself as 'going through the back'. Our physio will tell you everything about how lumbago occurs.

Pain in the hip after exercise

Pain in the hip after exercise

Do you experience pain in your hip after exercising? Our sports physiotherapist will explain everything about pain in your hips.

Which exercises for BPPV?

Which exercises for BPPV?

BPPV is a form of dizziness that consists of short-lived, harmless attacks of dizziness. Fortunately, there are exercises that can reduce BPPV. Read more about it here!